Nominate Your Church's First Lady to be featured in our upcoming Spirit Alive Magazine's Women to Watch in 2012! What do you have to do? First, go to Spirit Alive Magazine Facebook Page and Like US then send us an email at spiritalive12@yahoo.com with your first ladies photo, bio and what she is doing 2. tell us Why you think she should be the First Lady of 2012? Then don't forget to Stop in On New Years Eve's Watch Night service on BLOG TALK RADIO call 424-675-8300 if your First Lady gets the most SHOUT OUTS! and She Will become Spirit Alive Magazine's First Lady of 2012 What does she Get A featured Profile in our Magazine! a Free Consultation on How to Write a Book! A Gift Basket from Cali Products and 2 months free advertising for the church! WOW You Better Get Started! Winners to be announced in January 2012
Posted By: Lila Robinson
Tuesday, December 20th 2011 at 12:07PM
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